
1950 South 900 West #N1A
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104

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Mon-Sat: 8:00am – 8:00pm
Sun: Closed

Why Prioritize Furnace Repair in Summer?

Make Air Conditioning Repairs in Autumn

In the dead heat of summer, furnace repair, inspections and maintenance are probably the last things on your mind. However, August is actually prime time to make sure your HVAC system is ready for the cooler months. Most of the procrastinators who waited until the first heat wave to get their air conditioner serviced have been taken care of, and throughout Utah the summer busy season for HVAC professionals is coming to a close. However, the winter busy season is about to get started, particularly once that first chilly night in September rolls around.

You don’t want to be stuck with poor heating come autumn, which makes right now the best time to get your boiler or furnace into shape. You probably haven’t used it since the spring thaw, and it may have been over a year since your last inspection. Even if you recall your heating system working flawlessly last winter, that doesn’t mean much. It could be needlessly consuming extra energy and therefore costing you money. You may need a small repair that could lead to a big repair if it’s not taken care of, and a few tweaks in the maintenance department could extend the life and efficiency of your heating system dramatically.

Summer Heating Checklist

A reputable HVAC company will schedule an appointment that’s convenient for you, but it’s still a good idea to book ahead, during non-peak seasons. When calling for a heating inspection and maintenance check, write down any concerns you may have. Go back to your winter utility bills and jot down the average price and energy consumption. What seems normal to you may be far from it. Luckily, your HVAC professional can tell you if your energy bills are pointing to something being amiss.

HVAC systems also need to be regularly serviced so that you can maintain proper indoor air quality. If air isn’t being filtered correctly, it can lead to dusty homes, allergen buildup and even black mold growth. A dry heat can be devastating to your furniture, causing cracking, while too much humidity can make it difficult to breathe while encouraging fungi growth. Don’t forget about the V (ventilation) in HVAC, since both your heat and A/C depend upon it.

The Early Bird

Getting your HVAC system in tip-top shape puts you ahead of the curve so you can go into back-to-school season a little more comfortably. Go ahead and schedule that annual harvest party, pumpkin-carving contest or leaf-raking party. When you know your home is going to be cozy and comfortable, you’re more inclined to entertain and usher in the fall season in style.

Don’t leave your HVAC maintenance to the last minute. Call Complete Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule your furnace inspection or repair so you have peace of mind well before Labor Day.

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